

A Collector’s Game

An intimate celebration of Indian sport by one of its keenest chroniclers

Girl Positive

Reading as a woman for self-satisfaction

Ashokamitran (1931-2017): A Precise Storyteller

Truth is not stranger than fiction in the world of Ashokamitran (1931-2017)

Meera’s Romance

Love and revenge with a feminist flavour

Beauty of the Moment

The violence of the subcontinent echoes in Nadeem Aslam’s new novel

God’s Kitchen: Celestial Palate

A report from God’s kitchen explains how Lord Venkateshwara is fed

Aurangzeb: Not an Anti-Hindu Despot

Redeeming Aurangzeb from colonial historians

Master of Silkpunk

As Chinese sci-fi goes global, another star rises

A Thousand Tongues

The pleasures and perils of translation came to the fore at a recent literature festival

Mohsin Hamid: We Are All Migrants

Mohsin Hamid writes of war and conflicts as intimate personal experiences in his new novel. The writer in conversation with Nandini Nair


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