

Bengali Exceptionalism

What’s it that makes the Bengalis Bengali?

‘Playboy made sexual abuse ordinary’

The American feminist writer Catharine MacKinnon says that sexual harassment has gone from being a privilege of power to a total disgrace

Tiger Tales

A photographic tribute to Ustad and friends

CP Surendran: ‘Poetry is the handle to the door of human experience’

The poet CP Surendran in his new book finds it difficult to separate politics from literature

Gary Shteyngart: This Is a Blurber to Watch

Gary Shteyngart has brought a Russian-American sensibility to literary fiction to great comic effect. He talks about his next book and the new America

A Home-Grown Page

Remembering an eclectic mind of allusive style

Oh Woe is Me!

A political memoir where the sting is the tale


Satya Nadella on transcending boundaries

Across the Line

A richly rewarding portrait of the subcontinent through personal stories


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