Behave with the Governor: CM to His Party; Let Down by His Own Son; Darjeeling’s Limited Democracy; Vision Impossible
Dhirubhai’s younger son is a businessman who once had the grandest of plans for his half of Reliance in a wide variety of sectors. Today, he has little to show for them.
To most of us, Hayek means Salma. But the ideas of Nobel Prize-winning economist-philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek are perhaps more relevant today, to the world and to India, than ever before
Barring a few exceptions, the mandate and money meant to free the country’s finest tiger forests of human settlements is going waste in the absence of practical, transparent and sensitive groundwork.
It’s not a bloodbath yet, but the signs on Dalal Street don’t make for happy reading. In just a month, the gains made by Indian stockmarkets have been grievously eroded.
Ghost Terrorist, Done in by Friends; Woman Power Drives DMK in Delhi; Ground The Scaremongers: It’s About Time; Time to put the UPA House in Order
Under the mesmerising beauty that is this lake in the heart of Kashmir, there is much that can unsettle you. You just have to dip a little under the serenity of the surface.
Manipur today is a state under siege, its economy battered. And the current economic blockade by Nagas of NH 39, the state’s lifeline, is pushing its citizens on the verge of starvation.
While the country bellyaches about the Naxal menace, who speaks for the poverty-stricken victims out there in the wilderness?
India’s Home Minister is getting it from all sides. If the Maoist menace is not a headache enough, he’s got critics on his back, angry colleagues, and even jealous vibes within the Congress to fend off.