

Urjit Patel: Governor’s Rule

Urjit Patel is the first macroeconomist to take charge of RBI in over a decade. While there is no crisis, he faces challenges of a different kind

The RBI’s Next Owl

Let’s hear it for—and from—Governor Urjit Patel

Bean There, Done That

India is catching up with the single-origin movement

Namvar Singh: What Will Marx Think?

The ideological paranoia of fellow travellers mars a literary doyen’s birthday party

The Battle for Punjab

Who will harvest the anger? A state in flux

In Response to Zafarul Islam: Islamist Editors are Indeed Radicalising Indian Muslims

In modern times, a glaring intellectual failure of the Muslim mind is not to distinguish between Israel, the Jews and the Zionists

Bastille Day Horror: We Are Afraid

What is it that makes France the most obvious target for Islamist terrorism? As the country recovers from the Bastille Day horror in Nice, François Gautier portrays a traumatised republic under siege

GST: The Life and Times of a Bill

The travails of the GST Bill bring out the best and the worst of Indian politics. Will Congress buckle under isolation?


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