

Balochistan: And the Mountains Echoed

Balochistan’s underground movement for freedom, with its leadership in exile, gets an Indian impetus

The Girl Without a Choice

She is an alleged rape victim, thirteen years old and seven-month pregnant. In an Uttar Pradesh village, Nandini Nair meets the girl and her family caught between shame, stigma and injustice

Bloodshed in the House of Mulayam

Is the son losing the generational war in Lucknow—at least for the time being

Modi’s Weapon of Mass Seduction

An ambitious Central scheme to give out gas connections could work wonders

Wear and Steer

From Bluetooth pacifiers to bras that only open for the right man, wearables are no longer just a fitness tracking trend

River on Fire

The waters of goodwill between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are fast receding

Shahabuddin: “What Should I Kill People For? My Ego?”

An unrepentant Shahabuddin returns home and the rift in Bihar’s ruling coalition gets wider

Suket Dhir: The Man and His Motif

From the remoteness of Punjab to fashion’s revered ramps, from knitted wonders to the new RSS uniform, the journey of Suket Dhir is as adventurous as his designs

The Castaways: The Life of Sri Lankan Refugees

They fled home only to be confined to subhuman conditions in the so-called special camps of Tamil Nadu 

AAP: The Pornography of Power

How AAP has vacated the space it once owned as a moral alternative to politics-as-usual


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