

Assam: Storming the Citadel

Assam’s anxiety about its identity and illegal migration made it a natural constituency for the BJP

Kerala: Red With a Dash of Saffron

The UDF has suffered a humiliating setback after a no-holds-barred campaign in which it was seen as aligning with communalists of all hues

Tamil Nadu: The Cult of Mother is Intact

For the first time, Tamil Nadu has voted back an incumbent party contesting without an ally

West Bengal: Soaring Sister and Falling Fossils

Mamata Banerjee’s victory is a major embarrassment for Yechury who jostled for CPM’s poll pact with the Congress

The Best Way to go Bust in India

Bankruptcy Code: Why every failure deserves a fair shot at survival

Arvind Kejriwal: A Bitter Year in the Capital

How the Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has become a full-time attack dog

Hinduism in American Textbooks: Culture of Complaint

An ideological tussle develops over references to India and Hinduism in American textbooks

Indian Arms Dealers: The Defence Dynasty

Inside the permanent establishment of Indian arms dealers

Judiciary: Judgment Day

Has judicial overreach upset the institutional balance?

Sheba Chhachhi: Travels in Hyperreality

Sheba Chhachhi’s quest for multimedia explorations is captured in a book as arresting as her work


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