
Book Reviews

Second Thoughts

Siddharth Singh

A philosophical appraisal of Gandhi’s outlook and ideas

One Hell of a Lover /
One Hell of a Lover
Unni R | Translated by J Devika
One Hell of a Storyteller

Unni R, a master of the short story form, remains committed to an approximate realism

Who Killed Liberal Islam?  /
Who Killed Liberal Islam?
Hasan Suroor
Missing in Action

Hasan Suroor’s call to moderate Muslims for introspection

Looking for Miss Sargam: Stories of Music and Misadventure  /
Looking for Miss Sargam: Stories of Music and Misadventure
Shubha Mudgal
Notes of Misadventure

Shubha Mudgal marks her fiction debut with a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek collection of stories set in the Hindustani classical music world

The Testaments /
The Testaments
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood: The New Testament

Margaret Atwood’s sequel to her cult novel is marked by the same urgency of cultural zeitgeist and prophetic resonance that made the publication of the original a literary event 34 years ago

The Nickel Boys /
The Nickel Boys
Colson Whitehead
Brotherhood of Broken Boys

Colson Whitehead’s The Nickel Boys bears powerful witness to brutality and oppression that are all too real


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