
S Prasannarajan

S Prasannarajan is the Editor of Open magazine

The Making of an Oriental Cult

Modi’s ongoing conversation with the world provides the first draft of an Indian leader’s vision for himself as the new wise man of the Orient

01 October 2014
The Pathology of Anti-Americanism

Narendra Modi’s American journey should be the beginning of a historical correction. The one who could be India’s Reagan should remain untouched by an ism abandoned by history

25 September 2014
A Tale of Two Leaders

So will Xi update a classic by the Chairman: Let a billion dreams come true? That will be a Xi change

18 September 2014
The World of Modi

It is China, a First World power with a Third World mindset, that will test Modi’s still evolving art of internationalism

11 September 2014
The Jihadi Chic

The videotape jihad has been replaced by the YouTube jihad, and the geography of revolution has shifted from Afghanistan to Syria

04 September 2014
One Hundred Days of Rectitude

Modi’s ‘Broken India’ theme carries the first notation of Conservatism—and a moderniser’s social vision

28 August 2014
It’s the Popularity, Dammit!

Narendra Modi could be the one who can tell the world that strength and popularity do not necessarily breed autocracy

07 August 2014
Hate Wave from Gaza

The new wave of anti-Semitism is sustained by an ahistorical misreading of the origins of terror and the struggle for existence

31 July 2014
Romancing the rogue

In the big bad world, it is again the Russian who happens to be the biggest baddie

24 July 2014
The Free Spirit

The words of Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014) made South Africa a less dangerous place—and literature an argument for freedom

17 July 2014


Brahma Chellaney

Brahma Chellaney is a geostrategist and the author of two award-winning books on water: Water, Peace, and War and Water: Asia’s New Battleground

MJ Akbar

MJ Akbar is the author of, among several titles, Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan. His latest book is Gandhi: A Life in Three Campaigns

Ram Madhav

Ram Madhav is president, India Foundation, and is with BJP

Makarand R Paranjape

Makarand R Paranjape is an author and columnist. Views are personal.

TCA Raghavan

TCA Raghavan is a former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan and Singapore. His first book, Attendant Lords: Abdur Rahim and Bairam Khan: Courtiers and Poets in Mughal India, was awarded the Mohammad Habib Prize by the Indian History Congress. He is also the author of The People Next Door: The Curious History of India’s Relations with Pakistan and History Men: Jadunath Sarkar, G S Sardesai, Raghubir Sinh and Their Quest for India’s Past. His latest book is Circles of Freedom: Love, Friendship and Loyalty in the Indian National Struggle


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