

Deadly but Beatable

Gunjeet Sra

Cervical cancer kills nearly 100,000 women every year in India. The real tragedy is that most of them could have been saved through immunisation and screening

Did Men Cause Menopause?

It has evolved because of men’s preference to breed with younger women

Why Women Outlive Men

Their immune system takes longer to age

Those Dozing Porn Gods

It’s time they’re jolted awake by women who watch

Do Women Really Talk More?

Yes. And this is because they possess higher levels of a key language protein

One Billion Rising in Vain

A woman who thrashed eve-teasers on V-day faces police charges in Thiruvananthapuram

The Minefield of the Past

…and various unwritten codes of dubious merit

Prophets of Freedom

Stories of the extraordinary women of Afghanistan

The Anatomy of Grey

Critics have panned it. Even those hooked to the books admit there’s nothing much to the story. So what makes the Fifty Shades trilogy such a gasping success?

Marriage Drives Women to More Drinking

The study also finds that men drink less after marriage


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