

The Queen of Khap

Sunaina Kumar

Sudesh Choudhary has broken a tradition spanning more than six centuries. Do men still set the limits of her power?

Women in Our Ads

It’s not just that Tanishq ad, a swarm of new promotional campaigns project women as strong, independent and in control of their worlds

Girls Mature Faster Than Boys

Female brain networks start reorganising themselves around the age of ten, while this takes another five years in males

Misadventurers in the Museum

The women whose imaginations currently fill Delhi’s Kiran Nadar Museum of Art are many things, their work an inventory of artistic possibility

Women Don’t Bleed Blue

How I got over the mystery, myth and maligning of menstruation

Glossy Coat

The feminist movement may have its problems, but they can’t be solved by a fashion magazine makeover

First Knowledge Base

Pre-teen agonies and ecstasies of uncovering the secrets of sex

Deadly but Beatable

Cervical cancer kills nearly 100,000 women every year in India. The real tragedy is that most of them could have been saved through immunisation and screening

Did Men Cause Menopause?

It has evolved because of men’s preference to breed with younger women

Why Women Outlive Men

Their immune system takes longer to age


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