

The Cat Lady

Aastha Atray Banan

She used to be a lonely old woman. Now she’s young, independent and secure

Stranger in the Mirror

How a woman trapped in a man’s body fought to find herself

A Bond Forged by a Betrayal

Why a woman is not a woman’s worst enemy

A Woman in the City

“I am here,” she says. “Get used to it”

The Panic of the Thirties

The troublesome questions a woman starts asking herself

Planet Singlehood

…and the views it affords of the Land of the Twosome

First-time Parents at 70

In rural Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh, there is talk of the ‘miraculous operation’ which gifts childless women with progeny.

Her Walk Home

An uneasy disquiet, a sense of foreboding that casts a shadow behind the lone woman going home.

She Can Do Magic

Women have traditionally been seen as nothing more than beautiful distractions on a magician’s stage. But now, they’re breaking the stereotype to create their own brand of illusions.

Words in the Wilderness

Sarat Chandra’s appeals were humane and logical. But sadly, not enough.


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