Aimee Ginsburg is the India correspondent for Yedioth Achronoth, Israel largest daily
Call them just another form of fungi if you want, but here is someone who expects them to save the world
29 May 2013The trial of a French Consulate employee, accused of raping his minor daughter, has begun in Bangalore. His wife Suja Jones speaks to Open on her battle for justice and why is it important to listen carefully to your child
25 April 2013Meet Shukria Barakzai, a leading advocate of women’s rights in Afghanistan who wants to run for the country’s top office in 2014
22 November 2012…under a blanket of red dust in Goa’s mining belt
30 September 2012If you look past its author’s name and ‘Nobel prize winner’ appellation, Home is a taut read with a jazzy rhythm—till you reach a revelation that makes you squirm
02 July 2012A decorated war hero on love, bachelorhood and why Gen VK Singh is an honourable man
01 June 2012How do you make a new story every time out of a problem that just won’t go away?
17 May 2012Ahmad Kazmi, the media and a message that might have gone horribly wrong
25 March 2012