

A Crisis Called Rahul

PR Ramesh

The Congress faces its biggest existential question

Judiciary: Judgment Day

Has judicial overreach upset the institutional balance?

Uttarakhand: The Hills Have Eyes

Lessons for Congress from Uttarakhand

“We were controlling the Army. I was their field marshal”

One month after the disastrous floods in his state, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna speaks to Open’s Mihir Srivastava

The Thing About Human Dignity

Lessons about ourselves from the story of Narayan Pergaein

Spot the Killer

How leopards are hunted as ‘maneaters’ with appalling ease in Uttarakhand

How to Make a Forest

...with minimum fuss and maximum effect

Can’t the Congress Think Straight?

For all its talk of a lack of regional structure in UP, the party is destroying the one that exists in neighbouring Uttarakhand


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