
US visit

Excerpts from a speech Rahul Gandhi has not delivered yet

S Prasannarajan

I'm a story badly told by others. They can't go on reducing me to an idea retrieved from a genetic memory

Modi and Trump: Strongmen at Work

Modi and Trump pursue the art of the deal

A Dealmakers’ Draw

What Narendra Modi will confront on his US visit is Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ doctrine in action

The Networker

It was part two of the Indian enchanter in America, and this time Narendra Modi was feted as the man who will accompany Silicon Valley to its next level of glory, even as the Valley takes India with it—to heights as yet unforeseen, except in the mind of the man who once sold tea on the sort of railway platform that will soon be kitted out with free WiFi by Google

Our Man goes to America

Americans love the language of the visual and the Prime Minister has a chance to mount another charm offensive

Make a Joke, and don’t forget to Chuckle

A strange aspect of the Obama case is that unlike most pop stars who have fallen off the charts, he doesn’t seem to be anxiously plotting a comeback


Prime Minister Narendra Modi reaches America at a time when the relationship between Washington and Delhi is at a low ebb. Beyond the spectacle starring a man who loves performance lies a harder challenge: Can the enchanter redeem an alliance gone astray?

The Pathology of Anti-Americanism

Narendra Modi’s American journey should be the beginning of a historical correction. The one who could be India’s Reagan should remain untouched by an ism abandoned by history


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