
US president

India Connection

Anil Dharker

Both the US president-elect and the vice president-elect have an India link

Trump, the Golfer

A handicap and an incentive for the American president

Joe Biden: The Day of the Quiet American

Joe Biden, an error-prone politician but a universally well-liked man, scarcely put a foot wrong during the campaign. Trump and the pandemic made that relatively easy. The President soaked up all the attention, not in a good way. Biden seems to have unseated him with a sense of decency

The Biden Momentum, Lingering Trumpism

A dispatch from the disunited states of America

The Mind and Mandate of America 2020

Can President Biden be the new Reconciler-in-Chief?

The Pandemic Presidency of Trump: 100,000 Dead

The pandemic is dangerously exacerbating the deep political divisions in America

Biden His Time: Is it Joe Biden vs Donald Trump in November?

The former Vice President has pulled off a great political comeback

All the Presidents’ Mien

Nixon gave away Patricia pens and Carter recited the Gita and Obama brought a dog called Khan and...

The Great American Show Trial

Republicans close ranks behind their rule-breaker-in-chief. Donald Trump may be stigmatised by impeachment but it’s unlikely to deny him a second term

Trump on Trial

American diplomacy, as well as Donald Trump’s job prospects, will be on the line with his looming impeachment


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