

The False Equivalence Industry

Minhaz Merchant

In which it’s cool to compare RSS to the Taliban

High Culture: The Stoned Age

The expanding landscape of drug abuse

Truth Goes Underground

Afghan journalists, especially women, narrate their everyday ordeal

Afghanistan: No Emirate for Women

Next: Why Pakistan will Talibanise Pakistan

Malice and Mischief

Chalk and cheese may have more in common than the Taliban and RSS

Beware the Kabul Controller

The renewed threat to India is Pakistan which has finally gained strategic depth on its western front

The Flying Squad of Terror

10 men who played key roles in the 9/11 attacks

Lessons Unlearnt

America has always fought its war on terror selectively and now Joe Biden has delivered a victory to global jihad

A Burning in Memory…A Hole in History…

On the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 the debate on Islam is as condescending and dishonest as ever

The Enigma of an Ending

Twenty years after 9/11 an American President rewrites his country’s foreign policy and offers himself to popular judgment


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