

The New Homebodies of the Northeast

Sonali Acharjee

From smart advertising for local tea to promoting the perfect selfie spot under a bridge made of living roots, the young are giving rural Meghalaya a modern twist

Gary Shteyngart: ‘I love characters in decline’

The new novel by Gary Shteyngart's Lake Success is more ouch-funny than ha-ha funny

A Bid For History

The shredding of Banksy’s work at an auction shows that to destroy is to create

Sabarimala: God and Citizen

Was Sabarimala the business of the Supreme Court?

Ketaki Sheth: Her Own Space

The art of Ketaki Sheth is perfected by the intuitive and the digital

Adultery as an Attitude

It was the sociology of Hindi cinema that first decriminalised it

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi: ‘To be truly adult is to be child-like’

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi has written a fable of arranged marriages and spiritual quests

Deborah Baker: Portraits of Passion

The lives of poets and explorers in the twilight of the Raj

Sabarimala: A Matter of Faith

Why the dissenting judgment is right


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