

The Uses of the Erotic

Amrita Narayanan

Saving sensuality in the age of techno-porn

The Fall of Man

And a new moral system in the making

The Sexual Ring

The visceral connections between jewellery and the body

Alankrita Shrivastava: Free Spirit

Alankrita Shrivastava breaks the barriers of censorship and sexuality

Lipstick Under My Burkha: Waiting to Erupt

We need Lipstick Under My Burkha because the women in the film are us

Sexual Cleansing

An online community of the young declares war on pornography

The Asexuals

They are untouched by libido, and Lhendup G Bhutia finds out why

Look Who Is Watching

Gay Talese might be an iconic journalist, but in his latest book he is an accomplice to a pervert

Body Guides

An entire generation of girls now define themselves by how active (or not) they are sexually

Love in the Time of Decay

In each of these stories, unlovely descriptions of ageing bodies become an acceptance of mortality


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