
Rahul Gandhi

Congress: The Dead Old Party of India

PR Ramesh

A verdict that magnifies the irrelevance of the Congress and strengthens the modernisation agenda of the Prime Minister

Princeling Stars in a Bengal Ghost Story

The illicit alliance against Mamata in West Bengal

Kanhaiya Kumar: A Suitable Boy

The moribund opposition desperately needs an icon and Kanhaiya Kumar mouthing old radical slogans comes handy

Congress: Party as a Dirty Joke

From Kerala to Himachal Pradesh, Congress is synonymous with the politics of sleaze and plunder

In the Echo Chamber of Tolerance

Has India become a wonderland where Mad Hatters rule the political roost?

A Nation Apart

Can BJP afford an India divided?

Rahul Gandhi Rebooted

Back with a new vigour in his voice, he seems ready for a riveting fight in Parliament

Politics As Costume Drama

It’s not for nothing that Indian politicians are so conscious of what they wear

Congress: From Here to Where?

Devoid of ideas and dismissive of its own legacy, the Congress, its social base fast eroding, faces its biggest leadership crisis

Parliament: Reapers of Chaos

Open lists a few parliamentarians who could take a tip or two from Nehru to revive Indian Parliament as an effective instrument of democracy—and to save the country from the brink of economic and political disaster


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