
Rafale jets

Turnout Triumphs


The polling percentage has been rising steadily and the 2024 General Election, like the 2014 and 2019 polls, is likely to go past the 65 per cent turnout mark

Remembering Musharraf

Musharraf’s domestic excesses caught up with him

On Another Plane

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is learnt to have advised Rajnath Singh not to go to Ambala

Rafale: An End and a Beginning

With the court ending the controversy, the Air Force can now make the most of a fighter tailor-made for its needs

A Few Guns Short

India needs more military firepower

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

To use the Official Secrets Act against The Hindu is a long-lasting boomerang

The Truth About Rafale: A Controversy Unravelled

Is it a conspiracy by politicians and rival defence contractors?

The Arms Procurement Syndrome

Is the Rafale aircraft worth the financial and political cost?

Defence Deals: Scam-Scarred and Not Really Battleworthy

More murky defence deals mean another long lull in the purchase of crucial equipment for the armed forces

Heads of States as Arms Peddlers

The UK’s churlish reaction to India’s order of Rafale jets shows how prime ministers and presidents are increasingly behaving like salesmen rather than statesmen


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