

The Devil Wore Purdah

Faiza S. Khan

Fashion shows are just that, not some great act of defiance, even in a country admittedly going to hell.

Take a Chance on Me?

Girls in spandex singing ABBA may well be the last stand against the Taliban, but it’s also still just girls in spandex singing ABBA.

Culture Unplugged

…and now Pakistan wants to cleanse its airwaves of vulgar alien (read: Indian) influences.

The World’s Worst Nightmare

AQ Khan and his nuclear sales network pose a big danger to India and the world.

A Girl Called Meera

Meera’s story challenges the hypocrisies of the liberal-minded swish set in exactly the same way as Rakhi Sawant’s does.

Why We Need More N-tests

With evidence emerging of Pakistan modifying missiles and working overtime on nuclear weapons, India must reserve its right to test new nukes

Chasing a War

In his latest book, Imtiaz Gul gives a view of Al-Qaeda from within Pakistan. He speaks of tension within the terror group, and how India bungled a chance for peace in Kashmir

My Name Is Khan, Too

Unlike the majority of Muslims for whom travelling has become an intimidating prospect, Shah Rukh Khan at least had the advantage of knowing that others felt his outrage with him, for him.

New Pakistan Taliban Chief

Chillingly for his rivals, Hakimullah Mehsud has been compared to Idi Amin

The ‘If Only’ History of India

Jaswant Singh cites Gokhale to sell Jinnah as ‘an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity’. So, Hitler was a painter, right?


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