Mosharraf Zaidi
Questions on Pakistan’s intent to fight terror and fulfil its international obligations are legitimate, but they assume a State in complete control. It is not
Basking in the hospitality of Pakistan, remembering the thrill of the liberation of Bangladesh, and trying to be a good guest of Sri Lanka
After 27 years in Pakistan prisons, Gopal Dass got a hero’s welcome when he returned last week to his village in Punjab. He was on a spying mission for India when he was arrested near Sialkot in 1984. Hard as they come, Gopal Dass tells his story.
The gentleman’s game in Kashmir is not quite the gentleman’s game anywhere else in the world. Not when India and Pakistan play
On Wednesday morning there is good news and bad news in Srinagar. Late evening, you’d think all bad
Sheikh Amer Hassan saw his house as his castle, and a lot more besides, and that too in a Pakistan he saw as increasingly permissive. Till he wound up dead
A Pakistani artist drew his own blood, half a litre of it, to paint this portrait. But the wait for a visa is discolouring it
Pakistan is not about to erupt like Egypt. Fundamentally because Pakistanis have never been gagged
For all its contemporary woes and tortured history recounted in MJ Akbar’s new book, Pakistan is not about to fall apart