Hartosh Singh Bal
Fatima Bhutto on the Disneyfication of the family graveyard and why she likes to steer clear of politics.
An exhibition of contemporary art from Pakistan redefines the idea of national art, and of the political versus the private.
Pakistan’s alleged literary boom is becoming a case of counting one’s novelists before they hatch.
The great four-way split happened five years ago, in 2015, but the impact is still being felt, what with the latest Pashtoonistan crisis.
The Newsline sex survey, titled ‘Sex and the Pakistani Woman’, might lead some readers to believe it may be about sex and the Pakistani woman. It isn’t.
To look to Islam for answers to why Pakistan’s dispossessed, brainwashed militants are carrying on in the name of religion is to fall for the greatest red herring of this age.
Fashion shows are just that, not some great act of defiance, even in a country admittedly going to hell.
Girls in spandex singing ABBA may well be the last stand against the Taliban, but it’s also still just girls in spandex singing ABBA.
…and now Pakistan wants to cleanse its airwaves of vulgar alien (read: Indian) influences.
AQ Khan and his nuclear sales network pose a big danger to India and the world.