
P Chidambaram

A ‘Superficial’ Document

Amita Shah

The Opposition dubs the Budget as discriminatory, a survival tactic

The Professional Pessimists

Facts have never stood in their way

The Radicalisation of the Congress Mind

Words and actions of party leaders should not be seen in isolation but as part of a long process of ideological transformation

Birthday Work

The blessings of the goddess

Only Bimal Jalan

The buzz in North Block is former RBI Governor Bimal Jalan is exercising his ‘invisible hand’ in advising Modi

Serious Tokenism

On the rules that govern political resignations that are not resignations

Mumbai Notebook

A season of political books release and the fascinating story of Freda Bedi

Swami Aseemanand: Myth of the Monk Who Preached Terror

Swami Aseemanand’s acquittal brings to an end the cries over saffron jihad

The Sins of the Son

As evidence mounts against his son Karti in multiple scams, P Chidambaram faces his biggest battle yet

The Curious Case of an Explosive Diary

A new column on backroom politics


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