
Naveen Patnaik

Modi’s Seshan

Jayanta Ghosal

Call of the Slogan | Selfie at the Ghat | Kinetic Patnaik | The Sulks | Didi’s Hindutva | Migrant Vote | Faux Film

Daring the Juggernaut

Can Modi storm Naveen Patnaik’s citadel? Amita Shah reports on the epic battle of Odisha

Band of Beleaguered Brothers

The struggle for a united opposition to the resurgent BJP falls apart in the absence of a leader or a slogan

The Enduring Mystique of Naveen Patnaik

As the Odisha Chief Minister is all set for a fourth term, Ullekh NP, travelling across the state, finds out why one of India’s suavest politicians is the smartest as well


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