

Historical Wrongs and the Present

Madhavankutty Pillai

Dalit assertion is no excuse for violence against neutral parties

Fire on the Farm

Agricultural loan waivers may buy some political space but they make for poor economics

With Allies Like These

The Shiv Sena’s rejection of BJP’s presidential choice hints of worse to come for Maharashtra’s ruling alliance

No Relief From Debt Relief

The conundrum with loan waivers

The Blind Men of the Home Ministry

CRPF soldiers fighting insurgents on the ground reveal a horror story of official ignorance and apathy

Female Qazis: Raising the Bar

India’s pioneering female qazis are pushing for a gender-neutral interpretation of Muslim law

Aurangabad Farmer: ‘Let Me Die’

Driven to desperation by debt, an Aurangabad farmer seeks government permission to kill himself

Lavani: Breaking the Taboo

Lavani performers go mainstream

Call of the Apes

Indian primates are in urgent need of conservationist attention


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