

Ebrahim Alkazi: The Canvas of a Polymath

Georgina Maddox

The forgotten paintings of Ebrahim Alkazi

Student Supplicant Politician Statesman

London played both active and passive roles in Gandhi’s life. It was where he became a man and a lawyer, and where he first played high-stakes politics. British law shaped him; the orderly part of his system was based squarely on the idea of staying within the law, and expecting your opponents to do the same

Rushdie’s Quest

Cervantes gets a worthy successor

Capitalism and the Fall of Man

Two plays and one big message from London

A South Asian Summer in London

Khushwant Singh and other festival delights and diversions

Yuvraj Singh: True Grit

One of India’s finest sportsmen who battled without fear on the field and against cancer

Alexander the (Likely) Great

Alexander Zverev has now become the leader of the newest chasing pack, one that promises to do what many lost generations couldn’t—make tennis a young man’s sport again

Open Diary

London books shops, Abir Mukherjee’s crime fiction and a sense of history

London Notebook

The sculptures of Trafalgar Square

Meltdown in London

It’s an absurd spectacle of democracy when the losers march for a vote on a vote


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