Haima Deshpande
Nitin Gadkari is set to take over a party that desperately needs someone who can shape victories. A look at what his vote-pulling formula might be
That is the bottomline. At least Uttar Pradesh, a Congress bastion for yonks and then not for nearly as long, is ready to vote the party in, with Rahul on top.
His life’s been such an unredeemed saga of misery that Baichulal Harijan has often wished himself dead. He believes Rahul might be able to turn it around for him.
After being led by the Vajpayee-Advani duo for 40 years, the BJP faces a leadership vacuum. A look at the top contenders for the top job
Min Ko Naing has just received the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights. Often seen as Suu Kyi’s political heir, he is serving a 65-year term for organising the 2007 uprising against the junta