
Jawaharlal Nehru

The Menon Métier

Shashi Tharoor

What was it about VK Krishna Menon?

The End of Inevitability

The linear narrative of India’s freedom struggle and its unrealised possibilities

Nehru: The Idealist and the Realist

The seamless contradictions of Jawaharlal Nehru

Unseating the IAS

With many top posts going to specialists from the allied services and the induction of a fresh batch of lateral entrants, the civil services are undergoing their biggest transformation since independence

The Restoration of Savarkar

How relevant is his muscular national security vision today?

Independence to Republicanism

The contrasting styles of nationalism and citizenship

The Indian Rate of Reform

Establishing a new business, choosing what to consume and relatively lower taxes are still ideologically suspect

The Rediscovery of Nehru

How Nehruvians revised their idol


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