
Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru: The Man and the Myth

Siddharth Singh

The rediscovery of Jawaharlal Nehru

Syama Prasad Mookerjee: The One Who Saw the Future

More than sixty years after his death, Syama Prasad Mookerjee’s position on Kashmir has been vindicated and his critique of the Nehruvian order is redefining the idea of Indian nationhood

1942: An Indian Tragedy

The price we paid for the failure of the Cripps Mission eighty years ago

Jagat Mehta: A Tragic Hero

How misunderstood diplomat Jagat Mehta’s career was cut short

Our History Wars

Hindutva and Swaraj VII

Was There Ever a Golden Age?

An era when Hindus and Muslims shared a bond

It’s Time for a New Hindu-Muslim Deal

...because Indian secularism was doomed to fail

Why Congress is Essential for India and How it Can Be Revived

Congress must rejuvenate itself, bringing in fresh faces and young blood into its leadership at all levels. It would help if the party took steps to promote inner-party democracy and a more consultative decision-making style: Open up the party to internal elections for its key positions. Seek the views of a wide cross-section of party stalwarts, not just a favoured few. Allow and encourage the emergence of local, state and regional leaders, ratified by periodic votes of party members

The Making of India

Sandeep Bamzai provides a balanced perspective of Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in envisaging a united and unified India

The Significance of January 26

How India rose from a dominion to a republic


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