

The Truth About SIMI

Ullekh NP

Faith, fear and banishment

Open Diary

Jerusalem is the point of convergence of all three Abrahamic religions

Behind the God’s War

Salafism and the return of the Caliphate

Triple Talaq: God’s Diktat

The legal challenge thrown by Muslim women opposing triple talaq invites the fury of Islamic clerics, writes Siddharth Singh from Deoband

Lessons to Unlearn

A classroom activity in a school syllabus on how to deal with non-Muslims ignites communal passion in Kerala

Between Moolah and the Mullah

The Islamist radicalisation in Kerala

Hypocrites of Islam

The deplorable use of a Quranic term in India’s Urdu media to savage liberal Muslims

The War on Burkini

The fear of foreigners within in the age of radical Islamism

In Response to Zafarul Islam: Islamist Editors are Indeed Radicalising Indian Muslims

In modern times, a glaring intellectual failure of the Muslim mind is not to distinguish between Israel, the Jews and the Zionists

Kishoreganj, Dhaka: The Death of Joy

Kishoreganj, Dhaka and the rite of memory in the age of terror


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