

The Sanatani Accords

Makarand R Paranjape

The Sanatani Accords: A Hindu-Muslim amity pact for India@75

Liberating India’s Muslims

Religious leaders, politicians and born-again liberals impede their progress

An Extremist Edge

What has happened that Islam and its practice in India have acquired such an extremist edge?

France Shows the Way

From the 2011 veil ban law to the recent senate vote on the hijab, the French remain institutionally and instinctively committed to laïcité, the original model of secularism

Shah Bano 2.0

The hijab controversy can take the country into dangerous territory but, unlike the 1980s, it will not take people years to grasp its import

Identity Marks

On Indian Muslims and Mani Shankar Aiyar’s review of Ghazala Wahab's book Born a Muslim: Some Truths About Islam in India

Questions of Identity

What does Islam mean to Indians, Muslim and non-Muslim

Stop, Memory

Jerusalem should unite but, for a hundred years, it has only divided

Istanbul: Lost in Shifting Shadows

A city caught between the heretical seductions of modernity and the atavistic lures of medievalism

Medical and Social Drama

Kannada author Guruprasad Kaginele's novel shows the many challenges of Indian doctors in an all-white town


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