
Indian Constitution

They Have Come a Long Way

Rajeev Deshpande

Muslim girls and women have made significant progress in education and skill development that must be protected from the noisy politics of the hijab

Shah Bano 2.0

The hijab controversy can take the country into dangerous territory but, unlike the 1980s, it will not take people years to grasp its import

What the Headscarf Reveals

Reading Orhan Pamuk's Snow in the time of hijab politics

The Problem with the Illiberal Label

India remains a democracy and has been so except for a brief period when elections were suspended and fundamental rights curbed across the land

Independence to Republicanism

The contrasting styles of nationalism and citizenship

The Utility of Duty

Its virtues are self-evident but fundamental duties became part of India as fundamental rights were taken away and that was no coincidence

The Ideal Against the Political

The making—and the almost unmaking—of the Constitution

Kesavananda Bharati: The Seer Who Dared

Kesavananda Bharati, who died on September 6th, did not win in court, but his 1973 case limited Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution. Indian democracy is indebted to him

The Sword of Nehru

Are we still paying for the sins of the first secular, socialist Prime Minister?

A Dharmic Document

What’s constitutional morality?


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