
Indian Constitution

The Moral Algorithm

Ashwani Kumar

Navigating the ethical and constitutional boundaries of AI

In the Name of the Republic

The re-centring of the Constitution in public discourse is a mixed blessing

The Ambedkar Dividend

Congress and its allies benefited from making the Constitution a political symbol

In Defence of One Nation One Election

The economic benefits of simultaneous polls will be far-reaching

An Equal State

Isn’t it time to end the tyranny of special provisions?

Origin Story

A recent book asks if India needs a new constitution

Crime and Punishment

The proposed reforms to Indian criminal law break with a colonial legacy but do not go far enough

BR Ambedkar: The Last Moralist

The relevance of an idea called Ambedkar

A Constitutional Promise

Defenders of the idea of a Uniform Civil Code had hoped it would become a reality but the divisions seen in the Constituent Assembly took a turn for the worse in subsequent decades


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