Ninad D. Sheth
The threat to a revival of the Doha Round comes from the US, which may undercut the multilateral regime by making bilateral deals with developing countries
Dhoni is now in that familiar place where an Indian cricket captain, inevitably, arrives. That place where his back will slowly transform into a dartboard
So the scene for Indians is really bad in Australia. But surely there’s something these hapless desis can do to make life easier for themselves
Tiananmen is long past. Right now, it’s time to wake up and smell the gunpowder. As the Asian Century unfolds, India must get its act together to prevent its powerful northern neighbour from usurping the country’s future
A Maoist takeover of Nepal could be a much bigger threat to India than a Talibanised Pakistan
A collection of essays fails to shed new light on an old topic. The focus is on Pakistan, not on the great divide
Parag Khanna has always been on the go. Open’s David Lepeska recently corralled him for a wide-ranging discussion. Excerpts