

A National Manifesto

Sanjaya Baru

Why a bipartisan consensus is possible and necessary

Range of the Radical

Two books explore the influence of Salafism

‘Our Technology Helps the Police Take Proactive Steps to Check Crime’

Atul Rai, Anurag Saini, Pankaj Kumar Sharma, Chetan Rexwal, Founders, Staqu

Magical Realism

The wonder that is India

Modi in the Marketplace

The Prime Minister is on target

Maldives: Leap of Freedom

As democracy returns to the Maldives, fresh hope has arisen in a country that had lapsed into dictatorship. Omkar Khandekar reports from the victor’s exile camp in Colombo

Ravi Agrawal: Karmic Connection

Online India needs to be a country in conversation with itself. Ravi Agrawal tells Aresh Shirali why

Unity in Diversity

India’s relationship with desire


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