

Ancient Friends, Modern Enemies

Thomas Crowley

New research claims that even more than our genes, it is our bacterial composition that determines our health. And our happiness and moods

Tall Tales

Men are 11 centimetres taller than they were 100 years ago

Uncooked To Perfection

Fancy living on a diet of raw food? Many are doing it

A Wealth of Health Material

South Mumbai has a library dedicated to physical well-being. And it’s free

The Healing Power of Status

If baboons are anything to go by, high-status males seem to be in better health

The Rs 90,000 Diet That Crashed

It was meant to knock off 20 kilos in 20 weeks, but if the fiscal setback was a shock, so was the physical cost—gnawing hunger, mortifying hairfall and dry skin

Your Gut Health

What you eat may help determine what type of bacteria thrive in your intestines

Unethical Proposal

A doctor’s fight to stop the Indian Medical Association from endorsing PepsiCo brands Tropicana and Quaker Oats as health products

Amla in the Times of Blueberry Cheesecake

India’s long-neglected health fruit is enjoying its moment in the sun

Business Briefing 17/04

Cheering India’s Real Economic Bounce Back; Heavy Hitters Back in Action; Taxation for Health


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