Hartosh Singh Bal
The male tendency to exaggerate flu symptoms finds support, as a new study suggests why this could be so.
Sedentariness, bad posture and chair design have become common sources of pain. How do you deal with it?
Just as a tree has roots, so do our body parts. The spine is rooted in the pelvis and to remove the load from it, we must work the legs, hips and para-spinal muscles.
How chairs, cars and computers are killing our backs. Open decodes the achy algebra of L5 to S5, the most troubled vertebrae in our lower spine.
Kerala’s women conquered their primary healthcare problems long before large swathes of India even saw a problem. So, why aren’t they celebrating?
For a growing number of people who run into cardiac trouble as young as 40, life is about living with an artificial throb. You shouldn’t let it come to that
An alarmingly large number of urban Indian women are reporting a similar set of ailments. What’s up?
“Why keep multiplexes closed when the malls in which they are located could do business?”