Swapan Dasgupta
What is it about the Modi mandate that provokes such fear of fundamental change?
What the world’s longest lasting republic can teach the leader of the world’s largest democracy
The most audacious journey in the politics of India comes to a historic finale as Narendra Modi, a lone man on a mission, inherits an India transformed by his ideas of modernity
Candidate Modi, like Chief Minister Modi, has given India enough indications that he has a formula for revival
Companies like Vedanta are brazenly taking over governance in some parts of India
At the civil service academy in Mussoorie, he taught probationers the value of the A B C of Governance. He abandoned it hastily once confronted with reality. Here’s why, in his own words.
Had private TV news channels been around while Jyotibabu ran Bengal, his misgovernance would have been exposed much earlier.