

Shush No More

Shikha Kumar

Art and infographics on social media platforms are breaking taboos

Bhanu Athaiya: The Sartorial Modernist

A glimpse into Bhanu Athaiya’s aesthetic grasp of the female body and fashions

Mind Matters

It is what we lean to the most every moment of our life

A Sound New World

Independent musicians are recalibrating how they create and share music online

Inside Out

Three artists explore the changing relationship among the individual, the city and the home

The Lone Strokes

The meditative powers of Tyeb Mehta and Nasreen Mohamedi

The Net Worth of Seeing

When the virtual gallery comes home

Sujith SN: Seer Strokes

Sujith SN’s rarely peopled landscapes prove oddly comforting in the time of lockdown

Jayashree Chakravarty: Roots and Twigs and Leaves—And Glue

The canvas of Jayashree Chakravarty exudes the organic vitality of solitude


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