S Prasannarajan
Life inside the Islamic dystopia of France's greatest living novelist
Historian Tom Holland on the riddle of monotheism and the crisis within modern-day Islam
A section of the political class may not accept it but mounting radical resentment within the Indian Muslim community is a reality
The lone wolf has internalised the imperium, and when he pulls the trigger, or draws out the knife, or faces his executioner with the greatness of his god on his lips, he becomes a voluntary slave at this century’s most ambitious construction site of religion. The lone wolf has never been alone
The online responses of Indian Muslims to the Paris massacre should serve as a wake-up call
1Tamil writer Perumal Murugan has fallen on the point of his pen, following the fate of his own ill-fated characters. What can we do to bring him back?
Salute Charlie Hebdo, the magazine that refused to be on its knees before a god who is afraid of cartoons