Award winning author and blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed speaks of changing the world with her words.
Christopher Hitchens’ memoir, of life amidst Leftists and literary friends, dazzles only in part.
It has twice the speed and graphics performance than the older Mini. Nothing else compares.
Suffocated by the silence surrounding homosexuality, a lesbian activist has started India’s first bookstore devoted to the subject.
For those blowing the vuvuzela for Paul the Oracle, this book on popular maths should make you feel stupid.
Bill Bryson’s short history of what he’d left behind on his ambitious travels, the home.
If you are not in the megapixel rat race, go for this super zoomer.
Robin Sharma on the need for overcommunication, usefulness of acronyms and uselessness of cynics.
Sounding the alarm against State Capitalism is pointless if you cannot defend the ‘authentic’ version.