City of Irritable Ghosts
Anik Datta’s satire Bhooter Bhobishyot is a worthy cinematic tribute to Kolkata, far better textured than the Kahaani brand of nostalgic love
26 May 2012
True Life
Internet Rehab
When she realised she was checking Twitter before brushing her teeth in the morning, Atreyee Majumder figured she had to sober up. Especially if she wanted to finish her PhD thesis in this lifetime
11 January 2012
True Life
Diary of a Thin Girl
The American medical establishment was unnerved by her body measurements and threatened ‘tough decisions’ if she didn’t reform herself. Casting directors find her ideal to play domestic-abuse victim. But cabbies carry her luggage to the door. Always.
08 June 2011
Arts & Letters
Of Scrubs and Girls
Still new to the West, Atreyee Majumder wonders what it is that so affects her when a maid bends under her chair at home in India to scrub out a speck of dust, while a janitor in uniform evokes no feeling at all
18 May 2011
The Tiger Mom Debate
A Yale professor’s tough-love parenting memoir has stirred up America, what with Ivy Leaguers backing the Chinese approach. A report from Yale
25 February 2011