

Going Mainstream

How translation from Indian languages to English is giving regional literature a dedicated new readership, turning linguistic rivals into potential allies

Books: The International List

The grand dame of American fiction returns; secret love in Algeria; a tragicomically crumbling marriage; and a charming set of Russian dolls

Embarrassed by the Empire

Ferdinand Mount’s view of colonialism may be short on historical insight but the story he tells is riveting

The Island of the Day Before

This book on Sri Lanka makes a plea for reconciliation and debunks many stereotypes

Kabul Calling

A classic literary travelogue takes a Bengali to 1920s Afghanistan and into its darkest and truest hours

Olympus OM-D E-M5 II

An improved avatar of the E-M5, but not a big leap forward

The Rococo of Afzal Ahmed Syed

The collected poems of Urdu’s most contemporary poet splices antiquity and the current moment—marking a modern poetry event in the subcontinent

Kalidas, in the rain

A memorial to Hindi’s first modern play and theatre event, pitting poetry against patronage

The guardian angel

The dream world of a landowner soars through the ravages of the Great Bengal Famine in this novel

Eat or be eaten

This debut about omnisexual werewolves is a lyrical new member of the sparse Indian fantasy writers club


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