

Kandy Cocktail

Ashok Ferrey turns a mocking eye to the foibles and failings of high society in Sri Lanka

Missing the Mavericks

Portraits of historical and symbolic women that barely bring them to life

JLF 2017: Wordscapes

We present the faces that launched a million stories from the JLF 2017's tenth edition. Photographs by Rohit Chawla

Imperial Greed

Britain was not a benign overlord

Conquest of India

The European domination over India comes alive in this dramatic narrative

The Man behind the Mahatma

A retelling of the Gandhi story for the young

The Thrill of Discovery

Pranay Lal gives us the lens to look at India afresh

Don’t Look Back

Breaking free of the Kumaoni Brahmin rulebook

The Myth of Islamic Exceptionalism

The struggles and failures of liberalism are not religion-specific

Masala Mix

Nasir Husain and the sociology of entertainment


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