

Cinemas of Resistance

Namrata Joshi writes a rich record of non-mainstream films in India

The Illustrious Illustrator

The classic Namboodiri sketches

Style & Substance

Heroines as trendsetters

The Moralistic Impulse

Do values determine foreign policy?

Once in a Blue Moon a Lee Child

Jack Reacher is out on his 24th mission. The creator of popular fiction’s most read solitary vigilante opens up

Kali Meets Loki

Emily Hennessey brings together myths from across the world to spin a compelling yarn

Fawad Fever

The soft power of the East at play

Not Looking for Superwoman

Kaveree Bamzai reveals the secret to a happy life

The Man Delhi Loves to Love

Being in the company of Bhaichand Patel

Violent Affairs

KR Meera’s work confounds and illuminates difficult relationships


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