


Photographers, artists and writers from across the world come together in this book to discuss the erosion of democracy and shrinking of freedom

Gargantuan Effort

Bestselling author Ken Follett on the pressures of writing chartbusters, the effect of JK Rowling on the world, and the five greatest books of all time

As the Name Suggests

Lost and Found by CP Surendran will lose the reader in its maze of characters and find him again.

Reader’s Digest

Mita Kapur’s book is another addition to the feast of books that present food as memoir, politics and history

Nature vs Nurture

...and it is advantage nurture, at long last, going by the sudden spurt of tomes being published on this vital subject.

Bar Code

Sonia Faleiro’s ‘Beautiful Thing’ is a vivid narrative of Mumbai’s bar dancers and how the ban of 2005 imperilled their livelihood.

Laws and Order

This is the first of three novellas based on Indira Gandhi’s assassination and its repercussions. An extract

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Readers

It seems no one wants to curl up with an Agatha Christie or dig into a Harper Lee anymore. People now read self-help books

Writing the Revolution

When it comes to Naxal literature, the outsider’s gaze inevitably seems touristy and impatient. Turn to the accounts of insiders for the real thing

Unmaking of Modern India

There are no original thinkers in Indian politics anymore, says Ramachandra Guha


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