

Fluorescent Ink

With five books from four publishers in recent months, gay writing has finally come to market. But these are not ‘coming out’ stories

A Gandhian’s Memories

How land meant for farmers displaced by Partition later housed the rich and powerful of Delhi, one of them being Indira Gandhi.

Literature Meets Copywriting

This World Cup, when the live action gets boring, turn to this slickly written tale of Sri Lankan politics told through the story of an elusive, fabled cricketer

The Tiger Mom Debate

A Yale professor’s tough-love parenting memoir has stirred up America, what with Ivy Leaguers backing the Chinese approach. A report from Yale

All-new Templates

As Indian graphic novels evolve, they are taking some unfamiliar, unIndian turns, if still to tell familiar stories

The Great Depression That Wasn’t

Why Liaquat Ahamed does not want his book on this grim phase of history overinterpreted

The Shape of Her

The story of a young couple, both of whom were sexually abused as children

The Trouble with Sex

The most recent winner of the bad sex writing prize, Rowan Somerville, on the noun problem that plagues the art

The Genocidal War Hero

In conversation with a historian who blames Winston Churchill for the three million deaths in the Bengal famine

For Whom the Writer Writes Book

Book dedications come in all forms: serious, poetic, humorous, romantic, and in the odd case, like Neil Gaiman’s, flippantly charming


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