

Michelin Slop

If mutts could talk, they’d grumble about the boring slop and the dry food that clatters into their bowls

UPA’s Twenty20 Governance

The UPA has been given an opportunity to fulfill a billion hopes. Yet, the Centre has created unnecessary pressure on itself by declaring a 100-day deadline

Marching with Pride in Chennai

Chennai, considered by many to be a very conservative city, saw its first gay pride parade on 28 June

The Emperor’s Clothes

S Kumar’s Nationwide Ltd is among those bidding for the bankrupt Hartmarx, the Chicago-based apparel firm that counts US President Obama among its clients

Elephant and the Mahout

This man-animal relationship that goes back ages is in danger of being lost forever

Salt of the Chic

Common salt, did you say? These are boutique crystals, scraped from the Himalayas or harvested in France, bursting with health benefits and snob value. Go on, wake up and smell the salts

A Diaspora’s Outcry

Prabhakaran may be dead and the 26-year-long civil war in Sri Lanka over, but in the minds and hearts of Tamil expats in the UK, the battle still rages on

Green House Effect

If architectural trends reflect the consciousness of the times, we’re entering an era of heightened ecological sensitivity

Iraq’s New Day

Amid celebrations in Iraq on the partial withdrawal of US forces from urban areas, the case for optimism still gasps for fresh air

Exile Extended

Nineteen years after Kashmiri Pandits were pushed out, they yearn to return. But the young have moved on, refusing to give up the allure of life beyond the Valley


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