

Wheeling the Worrisome Way

Air India now wants taxpayers’ money to paper over its faults

The Frog Stew Debate

Frogs as an outlawed delicacy in the midst of a culture war

A Taste for Death

A computer programmer decapitates his victims and takes away their thumbs. He is nabbed twice. Escapes twice. He is now on the loose. An extraordinary story pieced together from legal documents and interviews with the police and family members of his victims

The Bikini Virgins

Why Indian girls talk so much about bikinis but don’t wear them

The House Collector

He stores whole mansions in his warehouses. Might give them to you, for a price, if he likes you

Where Men are from Venus

The Delhi HC has said men who have consensual sex with men are not criminals anymore. But at Love Life Society, a network of HIV positive homosexual men, liberation means much more


Erik Madigan Heck runs the most expensive journal in the world, at $6,500 an issue. It’s called Nomenus Quarterly and it prints 10 copies. Read it all the way to the bank

Why They Always Fight Over Portfolios

These leaders were not fighting for Cabinet minister rank. They wanted particular portfolios

Resisting the Trade Spaghetti Bowl

The threat to a revival of the Doha Round comes from the US, which may undercut the multilateral regime by making bilateral deals with developing countries

Michelin Slop

If mutts could talk, they’d grumble about the boring slop and the dry food that clatters into their bowls


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